Sunday, December 9, 2012

Winter Celebrations

What do these holidays have in common?
How are they different?

Playing Dreidel

Friday, November 2, 2012


Snowbird is coming!

HOT Question:

What does Snowbird tell about while on the news?

What weather do you hope for this winter?
What do YOU do while it is snowing outside?

Link: (19min)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

B is for Biography!

What is a Biography and where are they in the Library?

Objectives Met:
4.1.4 Seek information for personal learning in a variety of formats and genres.
4.1.8 Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning.

HOT Questions:
What kinds of things would you include in someone's biography?
How are Biographies placed on the shelves?  
Would this make books easier or harder to find? Why?
Whom would you like to interview to write a Biography?

Blank Book Sheet

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Celebrate Rhyming with 
Rhyming BINGO!

Objectives Met:
TN-LA for First Grade
0101.1.11 Maintain phonemic awareness by recognizing and producing rhyming words.
0101.8.1 Read picture books, alphabet and number books, rhyming books, storybooks,
fairy tales, poetry, and nonfiction text.

TN-LA for Second Grade
0201.1.10 Maintain phonemic awareness by Identifying and producing rhyming words.
0201.8.10 Identify the characters, plot, and setting of a story.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year !

Celebrating the
            Year of the Snake!

Our standards in this lesson:
2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world.
2.3.2 Consider diverse and global perspectives in drawing conclusions.

HOT Questions:
Which of these powers would you like to have? 

Two of Everything
by Lily Toy Hong

Ruby's Wish
by Shirin Yim Bridges

Five Chinese Brothers 
by Claire Huchet Bishop

The Empty Pot
by Demi

The Runaway RiceCake